Mount Ugo Marathon Race Details
Mount Ugo is one of the taller peaks in the Cordillera mountain range. It used to be the main source of lumber for a mining company operating in Benguet many years ago and was purportedly “discovered” as a destination for mountain climbers after a tragic plane crash in 1987 for which it is also infamously known. The Mount Ugo Marathon takes runners to Mount Ugo’s summit, approximately 2,220 masl. The out-and-back course consists of only three kilometers or less of intermittent concrete roads/paths. The rest of the route consists of mountain-side dirt roads and single-track trails. Both the marathon and half marathon distances start and finish at the KAYAPA CENTRAL SCHOOL (1121 masl).
What it Entails
From the start area, runners ascend a concrete road for about two hundred meters before entering the trailhead and going to TALECABCAB. They will pass dirt roads and intermittent stretches of concrete tire paths until they reach TALECABCAB WAITING SHED. From there, they are to proceed towards INDUPIT (1866 masl, 8-kilometer point) which is marked by a small settlement and another waiting shed. The next landmark is BUNDAO AID STATION (1835 masl, 10-kilometer point), where runners will find two structures – a shed and a house. Assorted food/snacks and drinks will be available here. Runners are strongly advised to fill their bladders/water bottles and eat here.
25-kilometer (half marathon) runners must proceed until they reach the turnaround point in Barangay Ansipsip, where marshals will record their bib numbers. These runners shall make their way back to the finish line in KAYAPA CENTRAL SCHOOL via INDUPIT/ANSIPSIP trail and TALECABCAB trail.
Marathon runners will tackle the wide, open trails from this point onward. Their next landmark will be BARANGAY ANSIPSIP which offers a view of the Mount Ugo summit turnaround, and even the city of Baguio on a clear day. A water station will be located here. Runners will then proceed to the summit. Runners’ times will be recorded at the MT. UGO SUMMIT MARKER (2220 masl).
Another aid station is located at SADDLE/DOMOLPOS WAITING SHED JUNCTION (1763 masl). The shed won’t be hard to miss as it is painted pink. Spring water and assorted trail foods will be available here. Runners are advised to refill and eat here. From this point, runners are to trace the marked trails until they make it to the finish line at KAYAPA CENTRAL SCHOOL.
GPX Profile: (FOR 2023 UPDATING)
Any changes in the race course, which is possible, will be posted here or explained in detail during the race briefing.
Mount Ugo Marathon Race Distances
- Full Marathon – 42 KM
- Half-Marathon – 21 KM
Mount Ugo Marathon Race Venue
Kayapa Central School, Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya
Mount Ugo Marathon Race Details
Start: February 19, 2023, Sunday, 3:00 AM / Kayapa Central School
Finish: February 19, 2023, Sunday, 3:00 PM / Kayapa Central School
Awarding and Closing Ceremony: February 19, 2023, Sunday, 3:00 PM
Race Briefing and Race Kit Distribution: February 18, 2023, Saturday, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM / Kayapa Central School
Cut-off Times
*Runners not able to make the cut-off time in any of the cut-off stations will hire a vehicle that will ferry them back to Kayapa Central School. Cut-off time is defined as the time you leave the station and NOT the time you arrive.
Marathon: Twelve (12:00:00) hours / February 19, 2023, Sunday, 3:00 PM (Runners must reach Mount Ugo Summit in 7:00:00 hours / 10:00 AM)
25 Kilometers: Eight (8:00:00) hours / February 19, 2023, Sunday, 11:00 AM
***All runners must leave the Cut-off station on or before the designated cut-off time, otherwise, they will not be allowed to continue and will be declared as DNF (Did Not Finish).
Drop-off Bag Station
- There will be NO drop bag stations.
- A baggage counter at the start/finish line will be available.
- Support vehicles/crew are allowed only at the designated aid stations and not elsewhere. Any individual, team, or group wishing to act as a support crew or race volunteer must request approval from the Race Director prior to deployment.
A special award awaits any runner who will finish the Mount Ugo Marathon in 2:59:59 hours or better.
King Of The Mountain Trail Race Rules and Guidelines
Mount Ugo Marathon Race Registration
Registration Fees
(Part of your registration fee goes to the KOTM scholarship fund and outreach projects)
LATE REGISTRATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1, 2023 – JANUARY 31, 2023 (Late registrants pay a surcharge of 50%)
Marathon: PhP 3,000.00
Half Marathon: PhP 2,300.00
Inclusive of trail fees, event token, pre-race snacks and post-race meal. Official finishers will also receive a finisher’s token.
Entry Requirements
- Every participant must be at least 18 years of age on race day. Those who will not be 18 years of age on race day must submit a signed parent’s or guardian’s consent.
- He/ she must have officially finished at least one 21 km trail race to be accepted for Mount Ugo Marathon.
- For the half marathon, he/ she must have officially finished any distance in a trail race (all results must be verifiable from the internet).
- Qualifying races must be completed in the period from January 31, 2022 – January 31, 2023.
- All participants must abide by the Race Rules and Guidelines.
Online Registration
Race Kit Inclusions